July 26, 2009

A poem for Summer Reading

Here's the perfect poem by Pat to celebrate summer reading! Print and share this poem about Tomás!

Library Magic
“¡Vamos! Let’s go to the library!”
Tomás said to his family.
He showed them his favorite books
and his cozy reading nooks.

“¡Vamos! Let’s go to the library!”
Tomás said to his friends. “Hurry!”
They saw libros in stacks and rows.
They laughed at funny puppet shows.

“¡Vamos! Let’s all go to the library!”
Join the fun, a treasure house that’s free.
Bring your friends and family.
Stories, computers, maps and more,
facts, fun. Enter the magic door.
Like Tomás, open books and soar.
Be a reader. Explore galore.

© Pat Mora, 2005
Reprinted by permission.
All rights reserved.

In memory of the leader, educator and author, Tomás Rivera

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